Oh I'm so tired. I can't be bothered to talk about it. I'll update tomorrow.
OK. It's tomorrow now.
So, let's start with a confession. I did no activity on Sunday :(
I think that I overdid it a bit for a few days with Juneathon, starting my half-marathon programme, and the diet for Venice. The half- marathon programme calls for rest days which I didn't take because of Juneathon and I've been v. v. good about food and I think it all took it's toll Sunday.
When I woke up my legs were like cooked spaghetti and I felt really shaky.
I was supposed to do a 60 minute run for the HM prog, but I just didn't. I wouldn't have been able to do the whole hour and I'd have felt so demotivated that I'd probably have given up altogether.
Husband's daughter phoned up unexpectedly to say they were popping round to say hello for Father's day, I had to go to Luton to get my own Dad and the morning just ran away. Took Dad and husband out for lunch, then Dad stayed over.
What fun. Husband finds father a tiny bit difficult to deal with, Dad is 83 and quite inactive/lazy take your pick. So for rest of day and Monday I was running around, Where's Dad? watching TV, where's Mike? in his 'Pub' in the garden. Where's Dad? in Conservatory, where's Mike? in kitchen. Where's Dad in kitchen, where's Mike ?? Seems to have left home.
Anyway, Monday I felt a lot better so went out for the 60 minute run. Did it, was v. pleased with myself. Went round the fields up the hills down the slopes, diagonally across neighbour's wheat field what has a lovely track cut through it, and then it all went wrong. I looked at the edge of the wheat field and thought that I could run along the edge of it all the way round.
I was incorrect. I was running/stumbling through thistles, long grass, stray wheat, and who knows what else, but whatever it was I was v. allergic to it. My legs and arms came up in intensely itchy hives see photo above.
Got home decided to go into swimming pool to soothe itchy limbs, swimming pool is salt water. Ow bloody ow ow ow ow!
Couldn't take Piriton as was taking Dad to chiropodist. I'd caught sight of his feet which more than resembled cloven hooves so made emergency appointment for urgent restoration work.
Did that, took Dad home, went back to my home, took multiple Piriton for the rash had glass of wine and was overcome with tiredness due to drugging myself with excess anti-histamine.
Good news - was 9 stone 11lbs this morning!!
Don't you just hate mondays - sleep tight