OK, I'm going to get in trouble for this but yesterday's activity was not a sport. I did however lose 1lb when I weighed myself this morning, and I ache in places I'd forgotten could ache.
What did I do???? Housework! I hate housework and usually do the bare minimum to stop us suffocating under the dust. However, husband was a a golf jolly all day yesterday so I had the day to myself, and resolved to Spring Clean (ok bit late).
It's a big house and I did all of downstairs completely from ceiling to floor. Threw rugs outside and shook them. Set vacuum cleaner on fire (don't ask, I think it was trying to commit suicide). Washed kitchen down. Even did all the ironing. Bonus, window cleaner came yesterday as well, so sparkly windows too!
It took from 9.00 a.m. until 7.00 p.m. and everything is now sparkling. So, not sport, but definitely activity.
Today 30 mins on treadmill, 4.03 km. Running slowly is really working for me, I started off at 7.7km/hr, and gradually increased the speed so I was at 9.7 for the final minute and a half. Usually I run at 8.9 from scratch and I get really uncomfortable and out of breath but this was a breeze. Finally after 2 years, I figure out how to do it!!! Just need to work out how to pace myself when not on a treadmill as I run too fast altogether and then have to walk a bit.
Housework for the Olympics yay!